Camp Wedding is a compound genre movie exploring the fraying social fabric in a world of ubiquitous social media and text communication. It is a wedding comedy that stumbles into a summer camp horror movie and never quite realizes it since the two genres are communicating exclusively via text and social media so the tone doesn’t really get communicated.
These days many relationships are maintained exclusively via social media. Events like weddings often bring together old friends who have not actually communicated face to face in decades, even while living in the same city. This one-dimensional way of maintaining relationships often leads to great distortions, resentment, envy and even the termination of the friendship when a simple in person interaction could have produced a ‘frienaissance’.
I wanted to explore this phenomenon in a genre movie, because social commentary (especially anything that might seem like moral judgment) is an inherent aspect of the form. Horror movies punish their characters for sins and protect the pious. This often relies on dated definitions of sin, so I strove to create a more nuanced interpretation of the trope and force the characters to communicate honestly and openly in person...or die.